Mya's Story
Covid suppressed more than we knew - it kept students from learning...and now time is of the essence

Covid suppressed more than we knew - it kept students from learning...and now time is of the essence
Help Mya Reach Her Potential
This earnest-looking young lady with the big, soulful eyes is Mya. We met her back in 2020. She attends a local parochial school, but she is persistently behind her peers academically. Her mom found RITES, learned that we have a financial assistance program, and applied. In 2020, we were able to take Mya off the waitlist and offer her one-to-one tutoring with multisensory, systematic instruction to address her reading deficits. For the next year, meeting with her RITES teacher twice a week, she made slow, but steady, progress with her reading.
After the summer of 2020, Mya’s financial aid was used up. She no longer was able to receive tutoring from RITES because her family couldn’t afford it, and her family decided to see how the new school year would go without this extra support. Then Covid hit.
There is more work to do to complete Mya’s success story, for sure. But we are making an impact. Mya is making significant progress, thanks to crucial support from those who give to our financial assistance program, like you. It is critical that she continue to receive the right instruction, for the proper duration, to actually catch up to where she should be. It takes time, expertise, and money.
Please help Mya and so many other local students like her, who need you and our tailored RITES educational services now more than ever.